Friday, December 21, 2012

12/21/12 New Begginnings

I guess as many of you can see now...we are still here. But how many of you have noticed the energy shift that is now moving through each one of you? This shift has been moving since way back when, but was felt as a surge of energy on 12/12/12 (I know I felt it) now it's 12/21/12 and we are shifting to an even higher energy. We are moving into the fifth dimension from the third. You will begin to notice if you haven't already, a feeling of high energy, letting go of fear and worry, and feelings of love and compassion. The ego has no place in this shift...only love does. Move along every day with ways of working on your energy and your heart center. Always see yourself and others with love. Visualize yourself with pure white light showering down around you and filling you from head to toe. Do this daily it only takes 5 minutes.

DNA SHIFT: For those who are aware of what’s happening, we’re all going through a DNA upgrade right now. If you look at the lineage of mankind, there is no gradual change found through out our lineage. The change was abrupt. This will also be the case in what we’re currently experiencing.

Through this DNA upgrade, our DNA will be fully utilized, including the all of the junk DNA that we aren’t currently using, which will unlock the mystery of why we’re here, who we were in previous lives and what our true spiritual potential is capable of accomplishing. For some people, this is already happening when they feel that sense of urgency or feel like it’s time to go home. Your DNA is giving you these messages.

People are ending dead end relationships in which their bodies can no longer tolerate a person of negative influence. These people are surrounding themselves with other positive like-minded people as they unknowingly prepare themselves for this transition.

Many will continue to follow the sheep mentality and will continue to ridicule others as they make this transition, only to find that they’ll be left behind with no one to blame but themselves.

For those who are aware of the shift, enjoy it. There’s no better time to be alive than right now!

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