As This Day Begins...I Stand And Great The Dawn.
May I Help And Heal Others...And Bring No Harm.
I Rejoice In The Promise Of A New Magical Day.
Bring Me The Love, Success And Health...In The Best Possible Way.
Great Angels As You Hold Me In Your Arms And
Cradle Me In Your Power,
I feel The Nurturing And Healing That Is Your Gift To Me.
As Your Child I Follow Your Path...
I Heal Myself.
I Remain Strong.
I Am In Harmony With The Earth, Moon And Sky.
As I Pass Through This Day
I Take Your Magic With Me
To Heal Myself And Others!
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Undoing Old Belief Systems
Undoing Old Belief Systems can be difficult for
some people. We are brought and taught to believe what we are told by our
parents, schools and religions. Then for what ever reason, as we get older we
start to question what we have been told. We feel that there is more out there
or our hearts begin to tell us otherwise. I believe we have to go with what feels
right in our hearts. That is truth.
For those who feel like there is more out there,
you have to go with your heart, what makes you happy and feels right to you.
This is part of letting go and undoing an old belief system.
So how do you change your old belief systems?
There are different ways to do this.
is to affirm everyday what it is you do believe until it becomes completely
comfortable and true without guilt.
Body helping you to let go of the old ways that no longer serve you.
with your Angels. Especially Archangel Michael, he helps us to let go of what
no longer serves us and gives us the strength and courage to move forward.
Remember it doesn’t matter if you found your
truths years ago or now. The fact is that you find it. Everyone finds their
truths when it is the right time and they are ready emotionally, mentally and
spiritually. We all see the light at some point. If you don’t see yours yet,
you will.
Affirmation: I now let go of old beliefs systems
and live in my truths.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Tuning into the Positive
is characterized by habitual skepticism and a
disagreeable tendency
to deny or oppose or resist suggestions or commands according to the
dictionary. It is also what we call in the spiritual sense “The Ego”. That
little voice in your head that tears you down all the time. Tells you that you
are not good enough, you don’t have enough and so on.
teach people how to turn their negativity around to a more positive outlook,
love and light. Negative energy is very draining. It is wasted energy. Ever
notice that when you are negative, you don’t feel good and have lack of energy?
When you are positive, smiling and having fun, you feel great and full of
will notice that when you use positive thoughts and words, everything falls
into place. Your life will be better and everything will work in sync. It all
starts with you. It takes practice and in time you will recognize right away
when you’re negative and change it instantly into a positive statement.
Remember even if it is not true yet, say and think like it is and it will be.
Then you just need to trust and believe. It can be hard at first but keep at
Friday, January 11, 2013
Taking Time For Meditation
is a form of quieting the mind, so you can relax and connect with God, Angels,
Guides, the universe or your higher self. It is a way of letting go of the day,
the stress and getting yourself back to center. Meditation has many benefits.
Not only does it help you to clear your mind, but did you know that it can reduce
blood pressure, reduce heart rate and relieve stress and tension.
people don’t take enough time to just BE anymore. Everyone is constantly
rushing around doing this and doing that. You really need to find time to quiet
your mind even if you just take five minutes a day and work your way up from
there. When you do this you are giving your mind a chance to rest and in time
you will see that you will be less stressed and you will sleep better. So many
people tell me they don’t sleep well because their mind is constantly going.
Always thinking of what they have to do the next day or they keep going over
all the events of their day. When you meditate you are giving your mind a
chance to let go of your day, relax and finally be quiet.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
This is a portion of my book "A Spiritual Journal Of Holistic Healing From A-Z" from the chapter...Divine Guidance.
guidance is a message that you receive from God, the Angels, ascended
masters/teachers, guides or anyone else from the highest vibration of light.
These messages can come in many different forms. You can receive it yourself
through your own intuition, from a card reader or an intuitive.
When you receive the message
yourself, you may get it through hearing a voice or thought in your head,
seeing something that pertains to what you have asked for help with, feeling
(like a gut feeling), or just a knowing. The divine also like to leave items in
front of us to find such as, coins, feathers and repetitive numbers. There are
so many ways of receiving guidance; we just have to open ourselves up to it so
we can get them. Many call these signs coincidence. There is no such thing.
Everything happens for a reason. Sometimes we are just so full of anger, worry,
stress and so on, that we miss the signs and messages. We don’t see what is
right in front of us.
How many times did you get a gut
feeling or a thought and went against it? Many times I’m sure. The problem is
many people don’t trust what they are feeling. They think they are crazy, they
made it up or that is was just your imagination. If everyone would learn to
just go with it, they would see how it does work. Your gut is never wrong. Divine guidance can help us with decisions,
following our path, opening up more to spirit, helping us to change, or even
protect us when something is about to happen.
If you would like to get my book go to
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