Wednesday, January 9, 2013

This is a portion of my book "A Spiritual Journal Of Holistic Healing From A-Z" from the chapter...Divine Guidance.

Divine guidance is a message that you receive from God, the Angels, ascended masters/teachers, guides or anyone else from the highest vibration of light. These messages can come in many different forms. You can receive it yourself through your own intuition, from a card reader or an intuitive.

            When you receive the message yourself, you may get it through hearing a voice or thought in your head, seeing something that pertains to what you have asked for help with, feeling (like a gut feeling), or just a knowing. The divine also like to leave items in front of us to find such as, coins, feathers and repetitive numbers. There are so many ways of receiving guidance; we just have to open ourselves up to it so we can get them. Many call these signs coincidence. There is no such thing. Everything happens for a reason. Sometimes we are just so full of anger, worry, stress and so on, that we miss the signs and messages. We don’t see what is right in front of us.

            How many times did you get a gut feeling or a thought and went against it? Many times I’m sure. The problem is many people don’t trust what they are feeling. They think they are crazy, they made it up or that is was just your imagination. If everyone would learn to just go with it, they would see how it does work. Your gut is never wrong.  Divine guidance can help us with decisions, following our path, opening up more to spirit, helping us to change, or even protect us when something is about to happen. 

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