Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Boundaries - Cut Those Cords!

B – Boundaries

            Boundaries are a way of putting up a wall (so to say) to hold someone or something back, so as not to infringe on your space or time. How many of you right now are reading this and thinking, I don’t do that. I don’t let anyone over power me and take up all my time. Now think about that. How many times have you let someone spill all his or her drama on you? You may be thinking that you are being nice and lending an ear for them to vent, but how often does this happen? If it is always then you need to put up some boundaries. How many of you have and continue to always help someone out of a jam? Maybe they just need a few dollars (again), a ride somewhere, always asking you for help, and taking you away from what you need to do. Then it is time to learn to set some boundaries.

            In most cases you are doing so much for everyone else and ignoring what you need done. Have you ever noticed that the favor is not returned? This makes you unbalanced. All giving and no receiving. One-way of putting up boundaries is learning a simple word…NO. The reason people don’t say no is because the guilt factor comes in and they feel bad. This is because you have a heart. Not to say that those who infringe on you don’t have a heart, but they spend more time working with the ego, which allows them to be more selfish and puts their needs ahead of others. Sometimes these people are so stuck in drama or grief that they don’t even notice their behavior. Then of course you do have those who know what they are doing and just don’t care. They feel the world owes them something.

            There is nothing wrong with saying no. As children we all heard our parents say no many times. We probably didn’t like it very much but later understood why they did. So why not bring that into our adulthood. When someone is constantly pouring out their drama to you, you have to stop them and say no more, please. I care for you as a person but I ask you to stop pouring your drama over me. They probably won’t like it but if they are a true friend they will understand. If they don’t understand then maybe it is time to let them go.

Saturday, May 17, 2014


*Do you feel there is an imbalance between your daily life, with it’s routines and
habits, and the dream YOU have deep within yourself?

*Are YOU ready for a more positive rewarding life both personally and Professionally?

*Do YOU feel as though you are ready to grow to the next level, and don’t know where
or how to begin?

*Are you ready to find within YOU the limitless ability to create the life you want?

Divine whisper Life Coaching allows you to reach higher and achieve more than you
ever imagined possible.  Your desire to be and live from greatness is an aspect of your
spiritual energy.  With Divine guidance, learn how to tap into this unlimited supply of
love, joy, peace and prosperity.  All sessions are invoked with unconditional, non-
judgmental love.  Sessions with Christine are both insightful and useful. Your guides
and loved ones want you to be happy.

Through connection with your angels, guides and the Divine, Christine has the ability to
connect with this energy, so she can offer you the most accurate, valuable insights;
guiding you to the most amazing messages! You will receive positive information, with
clearly guided ideas about making your life better and more positive!

Coaching can take on many forms.  The goal of this program is to guide you towards
finding your inner strength and courage to move forward in a highly positive way!

Sessions can be in person or by phone: 508-636-4668


Thursday, April 17, 2014

Divine Whisper Life Coaching

Divine Whisper Life Coaching.     
With Christine Dobyna, reiki master/teacher, angel therapy healer and card reader, author, and public speaker.

*Do you feel there is an imbalance between your daily life, with it’s routines and habits, and the dream YOU have deep within yourself?
*Are YOU ready for a more positive rewarding life both personally and Professionally?
*Do YOU feel as though you are ready to grow to the next level, and don’t know where or how to begin?
*Are you ready to find within YOU the limitless ability to create the life you want?
Divine whisper Life Coaching allows you to reach higher and achieve more than you ever imagined possible.  Your desire to be and live from greatness is an aspect of your spiritual energy.  With Divine guidance, learn how to tap into this unlimited supply of love, joy, peace and prosperity.  All sessions are invoked with unconditional, non-judgmental love.  Sessions with Christine are both insightful and useful. Your guides and loved ones want you to be happy.
Through connection with your angels, guides and the Divine, Christine has the ability to connect with this energy, so she can offer you the most accurate, valuable insights; guiding you to the most amazing messages! You will receive positive information, with clearly guided ideas about making your life better and more positive!
Coaching can take on many forms.  The goal of this program is to guide you towards finding your inner strength and courage to move forward in a highly positive way!

What you will achieve...
Coaching with your Divine guides leads you to the quickest most direct path. The answers lie within each of us, and your guides are there to show you every step of the way.
Peace of mind.
Positive intentions create a Positive life.
Find your Divine life purpose.
Your potential...and all the unlimited possibilities.  Part of your limitlessness comes out of the infinite number of choices available to you. You can do anything that your heart desires. You always have a choice; let your guides help you with the alternatives, so you can co-create the best life for you!
You have the right to lead your life according to your hearts desires. Learn how to act as your spirit guides you.
You may not hear what you "want" to hear, but what you "need" to hear!
Learn how to follow your own inner guidance and tune out your ego.
Individual Private Coaching Consultation: Is life giving you a challenge? Do you want guidance from someone who can help you through it or over it? Then a single coaching session may be just what you need. Let Christine and your guides help you through the challenges of life. (Half-hour and One hour sessions available.)
Divine Whisper Life Coaching Consultation (One time only) Individual Coaching Consultation is arranged by appiontment at the rate of $60 per hour or $40 for a 30-minute session.
Coaching- Single Session, 1 hour    $60
Coaching- Single Session ½ hour     $40

Individual On-going Weekly Coaching Enrollment for Personal, Professional, or Spiritual: This is for those who want to really commit to on-going change. You may want to commit to a 12-week cycle, and you are free to stay as long as you feel the benefits of coaching. You are also encouraged to leave when you no longer are feeling the benefits of the coaching experience. You are always welcome to return whenever you feel the need for a "tune up".
Coaching-Weekly 60 minute Sessions   monthly  $200
(Regularly $240-save $40)
Coaching-Bi-Weekly 60 minute Sessions   monthly $100
(Regularly $120-Save $20)
Coaching-Weekly 30 minute Sessions       monthly  $140
(Regularly $160-Save $20)
Coaching Bi-Weekly 30 minute Sessions   monthly  $70
(Regularly $80-Save $10)
Some clients enjoy sessions once per week, while others prefer once per month. Session are by telephone or appointment at sisters of solace. You set the pace of your sessions, even if the schedule is irregular.  You are the captain of your journey and you best understand what you want and what you feel is needed. The greatest element of discovery is that you have powers beyond your realization. Discover your potential with christine.
To schedule an appointment with Christine, Call Sisters of Solace at 508-636-4668508-636-4668 or e-mail sistersofsolace@yahoo.com

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Feeling Energy Good and/or Bad


            Energy is in everything and everywhere. Some forms of energy can be seen like us and the world we live in. Other type of energy is from God, angels, guides, loved ones in spirit and the energy within our bodies. 

I’m sure you have noticed when you’re not feeling yourself. Sometimes you just feel off, not right, no energy, sluggish, feeling down for no reason or out of sorts. Well your energy is off. This can be caused from physical illness, emotional distress or mental anguish. Then you have your days when you are feeling uplifted, energetic, happy, healthy, loving, joyful and so on. This means your energy is in alignment. Your body, mind and soul are in balance. Having balance is not always easy but you have to try and push yourself to be in a good state of balance. There has to be a happy medium of lows and highs. 

 Energy can be felt by anyone. Have you ever stepped into a crowded room and get introduced to someone only to have this feeling of needing to step away from that person? Well you are feeling there negative energy. Same if you meet someone who is of high positive energy. They give you the feeling of wow what a great person, I like them. When you are picking
up energies from others you feel it right in your solar plexus. The chakra right above your belly button. That is your energy center. This is where you feel that sick to your stomach feeling when things are not good. Think about the last time you were talking with someone who was nothing but drama and negativity. How did you feel? I can bet that you felt drained. People who are negative will drain the energy right out of you. So remember to ALWAYS protect yourself. You never know who might run into. We will talk about ways of protecting yourself throughout this book. Now on the other hand, positive energy can be felt not only in your solar plexus but in your heart as well. You walk away from these people or situations feeling wonderful.

 Energy is a major factor in our lives. It is everywhere and in everything. Practice feeling energy everyday. Try this. Hug a tree. Now your probably saying “what”? It’s true. Try hugging a tree. When you hug or even place your hands on a tree, you can feel its energy. Take your time, don’t just touch it and let go. Leave your hands there for a bit and close your eyes and just feel. Pay attention to your hands and you will feel the energy vibration. I tell my clients all the time that when they feel down to go outside and take three deep breaths. The energy from outdoors is so powerful. It will calm you right down. The ocean is another wonderful place to receive healthy positive energy. If you are lucky enough to live near the ocean, go there and find a spot that you feel comfortable in and just close your eyes, take three deep breaths and just be. Listen to the ocean waves, smell the salt air and feel the energy. You will not be disappointed. I live near the ocean and when I go it just gives me a huge feeling of peace and serenity. 

This is just part of my book that I have posted here. If you want to read more you can purchase my book at  http://sistersofsolace1.net/bookstore.html

Always pay attention to your energy and the energies around you!!

Love & Blessings

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Motivate Me "A New Year A New You!"

This Saturday January 25th from 11-4 is Motivate Me!  There are going to be four of us presenting on how to have a new year and a new you!!  My presentation is based on having a new perception on life. Many of us look at different aspects of our lives in different ways. How I see something could be different from how you see the same thing. Many people going through bad times automatically look at the worst side of the situation. Instead why not try looking at what is good about the situation because with every bad is a good.
         For example. You have been in the same job for years and make some good money but you hate your job! The stress is incredible and your boss demands so much of your time. As much as you feel you have no choice but stay the universe steps in and gets you out of this miserable job! So now what happens? You could start yelling and screaming how life stinks and your boss is a jerk and why did this happen to me ? Which is one way to perceive this bad situation or you can look at it and say  " thank you, I needed out of that place" and know that all things will work out. 
         So when you look at a situation in a more positive outlook, we realize that no matter what the situation is, it is a door closing so that another can open and more than likely something better than you had before!! 
         Accept people, things and situations in your life with a better, more positive outlook! A better perception! Affirm: I AM perceiving my life from a place of Love!!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

It's a new year...2014!!! As we have let  go of 2013 where there were so many changes for most of us! Myself included. Think of what you need for you now. Move forward with ease, day by day, following your guidance as it comes. Don't rush...wait for the nudge from the divine. This is going to be a great year of NEW and EXCITING things and people coming into your life!! If your not sure what to do then ask for guidance, do some journaling and meditate. You answers will come!!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Snow Storm Means Time To Just Be

Snow Storms are the universes way of getting us to stop or slow down. Right now here in the northeast, we are having a big storm which is stopping us from being out and about. 

Many people don’t take enough time to just BE anymore. Everyone is constantly rushing around doing this and doing that. You really need to find time to quiet your mind even if you just take five minutes a day and work your way up from there. When you do this you are giving your mind a chance to rest and in time you will see that you will be less stressed and you will sleep better. So many people tell me they don’t sleep well because their mind is constantly going. Always thinking of what they have to do the next day or they keep going over all the events of their day. When you meditate you are giving your mind a chance to let go of your day, relax and finally be quiet. 

So take this opportunity that Mother Nature is giving us and take that me time you need to meditate, reflect or just enjoy the quiet time. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Years Perception On Life!!

As This new Year begins, I am looking forward to new and exciting things to come into my life!! Last year was a tough year for many as well as myself, but through all that I have went through, I have learned many lessons! Lessons of what I don't want and lessons of inner knowledge. Together these have helped me to get through these rough times. So as of today 1/1/2014...this is a new page to my new life!! I look forward to living a life of love and happiness. I will NOT allow others or situations control how I will feel. I CHOOSE to be happy and live in the moment, because yesterday no longer matters and tomorrow is never promised!

How are you going to live in this new year? Live it POSITIVELY!!! Leave the drama, judgement, the ego and any other negative thoughts, actions or person(s) to God!!!

I wish you all a Happy, Healthy, Grateful, Prosperous, Joyful and LOVING New Year!!!

Blessings & Light To you All!!