Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Today's message...Angel of Fire is here to remind you that it is time to act on those creative projects that have been on your mind, whether it is an artistic project, a mind, body and/or soul project or just getting out there and being more out going!!Follow the guidance you have been getting whether it is a thought, feeling or a knowing from your Angels.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Crystals have been used for thousands of years in healing practices. Each one has it’s own energy and vibration. With a little practice you too can feel its energy vibrating in your hand. Some crystals are stronger than others. There are hundreds of different crystals and they each have a purpose. Healers, readers, and every other spiritual practice that I can think of use Crystals. You don’t have to be one of these to use them. I sell crystals at my center. I have many clients that come in and buy them for many different purposes. Crystals are used for many different reasons like love, abundance, protection, prosperity, illness, meditation, and so much more.

Here are some crystals that may appeal to you:

    Sedative energy.  Facilitates spirituality and contentment.  Stone of stability, strength, and peace.      Excellent for meditation. Enhances psychic ability.

Positive energy - stone needs no cleansing .  Dissipates negative energy.  Warmth, joy, optimism.

                                                     Excellent for the mind.  Grounding.

Knowledge, wisdom, perfection, protection, creative expression.
Lunar, female energy.  Emotional, intuitive. Rhythms, cycles, destiny.

Universal crystal, clarity of consciousness....see the quartz crystal page for complete info.

Clarity of consciousness, awareness, insight, good judgement. Aids in accessing past/future lives.

Dissolves negativity, grounding, balancing. Excellent for meditation.

Logic, efficiency, truthfulness. Enhances group communication.

How does someone pick a crystal for himself or herself? First you need to know what it is that you want to do or heal. Then figure out which crystal you need that corresponds with the issue at hand. When you go to buy one make sure that you connect with the crystal. Don’t just grab one and run out of the store. You want to connect with it. Hold the crystal in your hand. Does it feel good? Does it have good energy? Once you decide on a crystal then your ready to take it or them home. 

Cleansing your crystals: You want to clean your crystals before you use them, because they have been touched by many other people at the store you got them from. Not including the fact they were handled in the company that distributes them. So there can be a lot of different energy in your crystal(s). There is many different ways to clean your crystals. Use which ever method you prefer.

·                    A simple method to clean crystals is to use the healing abilities of water and the sun. Let cold water pour over the crystal(s) and then let them dry in the sun for 30 minutes. After just polish with a clean cloth.
·                    For new stones and crystals it is recommended to submerge them in salt for at least 3 hours (1 cup sea salt to 2 cups cold water) rinse and let dry in the sun.
·                    Recharge the crystal with Reiki energy by holding it in your hand and let the energy flow into it (if you are a Reiki practitioner) Reiki II & III can use the symbols to recharge and cleanse crystals.
·                    Crystals that have been misused or depleted of the energy can be submerged in dry sea salt for 3 days, rinse in cool water and let dry in the sun.
·                    Crystals can also be used to cleanse and purify other crystals, healing stone and jewelry.

This information comes from my order go to

Thursday, April 25, 2013


The pink moon this season brings with it a message of Love and Creativity and Abundance.   Through the hard winter months and now coming off of mercury retrograde things have been quite stagnant and difficult for a number of you.  Tonight is the time that all of your hardships are finally being flushed down the toilet for good.  You have had to be patient and strong to withstand the pressure of not having things work out like you imagined.  For those of you who have had to endure more of your share of hardships lately, you will be celebrating the coming of the Pink moon the most.
You might want to buckle a seat belt since the energy that is busting forth with this Full moon will be a ride to remember.
The Pink full moon this season marks a new door opening for enchantment and romance.  This is a time to believe in Fairy tales for dreams do come true.  This will be the motto for the next few months since there will be a greater number of those who have been left off the Cinderella Coach finally allowed on board.  Expect the unexpected and don’t be surprised when you are caught off guard by the sweet cherubs of Love and Romance sweeping you off your feet and into the arms of true love.
Joy and abundance will also be blooming so take another sigh of relief.   Your financial worries are over.  You will be enjoying a time of creativity and you will see your own self confidence soar.  This will move you forward with a great expansion in your own personal growth.  You may also feel the itch to get out and do some gardening and or some redecorating around the house.   If you are a writer or artistic in any way you will notice the largest leaps in financial gain and growth at this time.

The Full Moon is also the time to let go of what no longer serves you. So write down..."I AM NOW WILLING AND READY TO RELEASE_______________________. Then just fill in the blank with whatever your ready to let go of. WHEN YOU ARE DONE TAKE THE PAPER OUTSIDE AND BURN IT (SAFELY), GIVING IT TO THE UNIVERSE. THEN I USUALLY VISUALIZE MYSELF BEING AND FEELING FREE OF WHAT I LET GO. 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

G – Gratitude

Gratitude is giving thanks for what we have and what we receive everyday, no matter how big or how small. There are those who replace gratitude with granted. Meaning we still take so many things for granted. We assume that people and things will be there for us forever. We forget to have gratitude. I give thanks everyday. When I pray, I thank God for waking up in the morning, having another day to learn, love, and for him. 

Unfortunately some people only focus on what they don’t have. That is a negative feeling to have. I tell my clients that they have to let that go and focus on what they do have like a roof over their head, food, family, friends, health and so on. Some just focus on the bad relationship, rotten job, the old car that works badly, the bills that just keep piling up and the kids who don’t listen. I teach them how to turn that negative thinking around and turn it into grateful positive statements.

I am grateful for a relationship full of love.
I am grateful for a job that pays me well so that I can live comfortable.
I am grateful for a car that gets me everywhere I need to go.
I am grateful for the financial flow that comes to me every day.
I am grateful for my children who are true gifts from God.

See how you can turn things around. Focus on the positive. Even if in the moment one or all of these are not true, still say it until it is true. The more you do it, the more you will be grateful for many things in your life. One of my teachers told me. Fake it until you make it. Remember the mind will follow what you tell it. 

 I am now grateful for ________.

From my Chapter on Gratitude......A Spiritual Journal Of Holistic Healing From A-Z to purchase my book. or

Thursday, March 21, 2013

L – Letting Go

Letting go can be something that is very difficult for some people. Many have been hurt by others, hold onto guilt of what they have done, hold onto loved ones that have passed, hold onto the past or don’t forgive.

Holding onto old “stuff” will result in you not moving forward, not living in peace, love, joy and happiness. Ever feel like your body is heavy, sluggish, no energy or a heavy tight feeling in our chest? Well that means your holding on to old “stuff” and haven’t let it go.

Holding onto the past: What happened in the past is the past. You cannot change it or worry about it. When you worry about the past all you are doing is wasting energy on something you can’t change. Instead use that energy to move forward. You need to forgive whatever happened in the past whether it is about someone, something or yourself. Let it go and move on.

Dear Archangel Michael, I ask you to please help me to let go of my fears, doubts and what no longer serves me, so that I may move forward with love and light. Please use your spiritual vacuum to suck away any and all negative energy or lower energy from my mind, body and soul. Thank you Archangel Michael. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

All You Need Is LOVE!

As I returned this weekend from the Hay House "I Can Do It" Conference in NYC...I had such a revelation! No matter who was on stage, who was speaking...The message was the same..."ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE"! This is so true. I have learned that we all need to let go and let God. All the ego based attitudes that are being thrown at us by others...ARE NOT OURS! It is is a part of themselves that they do not like so they feel that they must throw it around, blame others for it or make others feel small so they can feel BIG. So the next time you are feeling bad about yourself or from someone yourself a favor...LET IT GO!!!! We need to start with ourselves...Step 1, LOVE YOURSELF!! Step 2, If you are feeling bad (From yourself or others) Refer to step 1!!!! When we learn to love ourselves, we are confident enough to know that what ever someone throws our way, we have the confidence and the power to push it away with ease. Everything stats with the HEART center. If you live your life thru there...You can do anything. Then spread the love to everyone and everything you meet. Show LOVE, GRATITUDE and JOY!! If we all took the time to work on this, this is what we would be spreading out to the world, and therefore the world WOULD be a better place.

So Please when someone is acting out, whether it is around you or at you, DON'T JUDGE>>>THINK! What might be going on in their life to create this anger they are spreading and then JUST SEND THEM LOVE. Whether you know them or not...we all deserve love. Make LOVE the new virus...Let It Spread!!!

Friday, February 1, 2013

It's Time For Kindness

Kindness is an act that we should be showing and practicing everyday with everyone. We spend so much time running around with blinders on and don’t pay attention to those around us who may need our help. There are those who expect everyone to help them, but won’t lift a finger to help anyone else. People take things for granted and just think everything will be handed to them or they are not going to help anyone because no one helps them. Well it has to start somewhere. You can be the big person and offer to help. As they say it’s a two way street. Do something nice and kind for someone and it will be returned to you. Someone will do something nice for you. This is all part of giving and receiving.

 Kindness is a simple act. It can be as simple as holding a door open for someone, saying hello to a stranger, picking up something someone dropped, allowing a car to pass before you, offering a helping hand, be that ear to listen to a friend, that shoulder to cry on. Whatever it is practice kindness. If we all did this, the world could and would be a better place. We all need to slow down a little and really pay attention to the little things.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Morning Affirmations

As This Day Begins...I Stand And Great The Dawn.
May I Help And Heal Others...And Bring No Harm.
I Rejoice In The Promise Of A New Magical Day.
Bring Me The Love, Success And Health...In The Best Possible Way.

Great Angels As You Hold Me In Your Arms And
Cradle Me In Your Power,
I feel The Nurturing And Healing That Is Your Gift To Me.

As Your Child I Follow Your Path...
I Heal Myself.
I Remain Strong.
I Am In Harmony With The Earth, Moon And Sky.
As I Pass Through This Day
I Take Your Magic With Me
To Heal Myself And Others!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Undoing Old Belief Systems

Undoing Old Belief Systems can be difficult for some people. We are brought and taught to believe what we are told by our parents, schools and religions. Then for what ever reason, as we get older we start to question what we have been told. We feel that there is more out there or our hearts begin to tell us otherwise. I believe we have to go with what feels right in our hearts. That is truth.


For those who feel like there is more out there, you have to go with your heart, what makes you happy and feels right to you. This is part of letting go and undoing an old belief system.

Now I have talked to many people over that past few years who tell me that if they change their ways and follow what they believe, their parents or someone else would be mad. So out of fear they stay with what they were told and are not happy or filled spiritually. I know this can be hard, but you have to do what is right for you and as far as the other person who may get mad, they need to learn to respect your wishes. It doesn’t change you as a person, you’re just a person with a different point of view. 

So how do you change your old belief systems? There are different ways to do this.

·                    *One is to affirm everyday what it is you do believe until it becomes completely comfortable and true without guilt.

                                                * Reiki is also a way to change by the energy working on your emotional
                                                    Body helping you to let go of the old ways that no longer serve you.


·                        *Working with your Angels. Especially Archangel Michael, he helps us to let go of what no longer serves us and gives us the strength and courage to move forward.

 Remember it doesn’t matter if you found your truths years ago or now. The fact is that you find it. Everyone finds their truths when it is the right time and they are ready emotionally, mentally and spiritually. We all see the light at some point. If you don’t see yours yet, you will.

Affirmation: I now let go of old beliefs systems and live in my truths.


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Tuning into the Positive

Negativity is characterized by habitual skepticism and a disagreeable tendency to deny or oppose or resist suggestions or commands according to the dictionary. It is also what we call in the spiritual sense “The Ego”. That little voice in your head that tears you down all the time. Tells you that you are not good enough, you don’t have enough and so on.

I teach people how to turn their negativity around to a more positive outlook, love and light. Negative energy is very draining. It is wasted energy. Ever notice that when you are negative, you don’t feel good and have lack of energy? When you are positive, smiling and having fun, you feel great and full of energy.

As the Law of Attraction says; If you put negative out there, you will get negative back. Put out positive and you will get positive back. This is truth! I have seen it and I live it…positive that is. 

You will notice that when you use positive thoughts and words, everything falls into place. Your life will be better and everything will work in sync. It all starts with you. It takes practice and in time you will recognize right away when you’re negative and change it instantly into a positive statement. Remember even if it is not true yet, say and think like it is and it will be. Then you just need to trust and believe. It can be hard at first but keep at it. 

Friday, January 11, 2013

Taking Time For Meditation

Meditation is a form of quieting the mind, so you can relax and connect with God, Angels, Guides, the universe or your higher self. It is a way of letting go of the day, the stress and getting yourself back to center. Meditation has many benefits. Not only does it help you to clear your mind, but did you know that it can reduce blood pressure, reduce heart rate and relieve stress and tension.

Many people don’t take enough time to just BE anymore. Everyone is constantly rushing around doing this and doing that. You really need to find time to quiet your mind even if you just take five minutes a day and work your way up from there. When you do this you are giving your mind a chance to rest and in time you will see that you will be less stressed and you will sleep better. So many people tell me they don’t sleep well because their mind is constantly going. Always thinking of what they have to do the next day or they keep going over all the events of their day. When you meditate you are giving your mind a chance to let go of your day, relax and finally be quiet. 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

This is a portion of my book "A Spiritual Journal Of Holistic Healing From A-Z" from the chapter...Divine Guidance.

Divine guidance is a message that you receive from God, the Angels, ascended masters/teachers, guides or anyone else from the highest vibration of light. These messages can come in many different forms. You can receive it yourself through your own intuition, from a card reader or an intuitive.

            When you receive the message yourself, you may get it through hearing a voice or thought in your head, seeing something that pertains to what you have asked for help with, feeling (like a gut feeling), or just a knowing. The divine also like to leave items in front of us to find such as, coins, feathers and repetitive numbers. There are so many ways of receiving guidance; we just have to open ourselves up to it so we can get them. Many call these signs coincidence. There is no such thing. Everything happens for a reason. Sometimes we are just so full of anger, worry, stress and so on, that we miss the signs and messages. We don’t see what is right in front of us.

            How many times did you get a gut feeling or a thought and went against it? Many times I’m sure. The problem is many people don’t trust what they are feeling. They think they are crazy, they made it up or that is was just your imagination. If everyone would learn to just go with it, they would see how it does work. Your gut is never wrong.  Divine guidance can help us with decisions, following our path, opening up more to spirit, helping us to change, or even protect us when something is about to happen. 

If you would like to get my book go to